Webinar / Workshop II: Viruses, mycoses, food allergies and intolerances in the systematics of patients who are difficult to treat
Dear therapists,
Viruses, fungi, intolerances and allergies. Almost every patient has his deep burdens here. How do we as therapists deal with them in our everyday practice?
The goal of the seminar/workshop is to learn how to deal safely with the most severe viral and mycotic stress, as well as allergies and intolerances, to integrate the stress into the overall therapy plan, to be able to recognize and eliminate therapy blockages and to get to know mitochondriopathy testing.
Webinar and workshop at the same time
Please note that you can participate in this event either in person in Munich or online via webinar at your home!
Topics in detail:
Safe handling in the diagnosis and therapy of viral loads
Effective mycosis therapy with shortened therapy time despite stubborn anchorage
Specific immune blockades
Food allergies and intolerances: Differential diagnosis and therapy
Heavy metal rejection
Metabolic regulation of the mitochondria: Testing of mitochondrial activity, interpretation and determination of the need for substitution
Work with the test boxes Pathologies and cleaning ampoules according to clinical pictures
Estimated time schedule:
28.11.2020 from 14:30 to 18:30
29.11.2020 from 09:00 to 15:00
personally on site in Munich: € 365,- (for club members of the Academy of Harmonic Frequency Application reduced price of € 320,- each)
Online participant webinar: € 445,- (for club members of the Academy of Harmonical Frequency Application reduced price of € 400,- each)
Speaker: Hp Alan E. Baklayan
Registration: If you are interested, please send an e-mail to buero@harmonikalischefrequenzen.de or register here if you would like to participate in the webinar online.