10th Practice-Congress for Frequency and Regulation therapy 2020 in Munich (German)
we are very pleased to invite you to our congress of the association “Akademie der Harmonikalischen Frequenzanwendung e. V.” 28.11.2020
Practice Congress and Workshop in a combined package – don’t miss this important date!
- “10th Practice Congress for Frequency and Regulation Therapy 2020”
under the topic “New perspectives in the treatment of autoimmune diseases” and - Webinar / Workshop “Viruses, mycoses, food allergies and intolerances in the systematics of patients who are difficult to treat”.
Speaker: Naturopath Alan E. Baklayan
Original practice congress date: 23 – 25.10.2020 cancelled;
On Saturday, 28.11.2020, the “10th Practice Congress for Frequency and Regulation Therapy 2020” will take place from 9:00 to 13:00 o’clock (Berlin time zone) under the topic “New perspectives in the treatment of autoimmune diseases”.
Also this year, innovative new inventions and research results will be presented by the renowned alternative practitioner and book author Alan E. Baklayan. So don’t miss your unique opportunity to learn more about the field of harmonic frequency application and to be presented with the latest results. These “new perspectives” will revolutionize the treatment of autoimmune diseases! As a user of harmonical frequencies you should not miss this appointment. Mark it already now in your calendar!
After the practice congress, you can take the opportunity to participate in the following webinar / workshop “Viruses, mycoses, food allergies and intolerances in the systematics of patients difficult to treat”.
The aim of the workshop is to learn how to deal safely with the most severe viral and mycotic stress, as well as allergies and intolerances, to integrate the stress into the overall therapy plan, to be able to recognize and eliminate therapy blockages and to get to know mitochondriopathy testing.
Both the practice congress and the workshop can be attended either directly on site in beautiful Munich, or conveniently online from home as a webinar.
TIME SCHEDULE (28. – 29.11.2020)
Schedule of the practice congress and the webinar / workshop “Viruses, mycoses, food allergies and intolerances in the systematics of patients difficult to treat” on 28. and 29.11.2020 will be as follows
Saturday, 28.11.2020, 09:00 – 13:00 hrs:
“10th Practice Congress for Frequency and Regulation Therapy 2020” under the topic
“New perspectives in the treatment of autoimmune diseases”.
Saturday, 28.11.2020, 14:30 – 18:30 and Sunday, 29.11.2020, 09:00 – 15:00
Webinar / Workshop “Viruses, mycoses, food allergies and intolerances in the systematics of patients who are difficult to treat”.
Fees for “10th Practice Congress for Frequency and Regulation Therapy 2020
Personally on site in Munich or as online participant (webinar): € 90,-
For club members of the academy reduced price of: € 45
Here you can register for a webinar
Costs for webinar / workshop “Viruses, mycoses, food allergies and intolerances in the systematics of patients who are difficult to treat”.
Personally on site in Munich as well as online: € 365,-
For club members of the academy reduced price of: € 320,-
If you have any further questions regarding registration, time schedule, lectures and speakers, please contact the following number: +49(0)89/452290-77 or write an e-mail to the following address: buero@harmonikalischefrequenzen.de
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Your Academy of Harmonical Frequency Procedure