11. Congress of Harmonical Frequency Procedure 2022
Congress Overview
Date: May 20 - 22, 2022 Motto: In touch with the patients Registration options will be made available soon. Pre-registrations are available at buero@harmonikalischefrequenzen.de.
CongressprogramOnline-Congress May 2022 - In touch with the patients
Naturopath Alan E. Baklayan, the developer of Harmonical Frequency Procedure and chairman of the academy's scientific advisory board, would like to cordially invite you to the upcoming 11th Congress on Frequency and Regulation Therapy on
May 20 - 22, 2022:
Dear colleagues!
It is with great pleasure that I announce - after a break of almost two years for reasons we all know - that our 11th congress will be held in May this year.
We will adapt, which means that the congress will be online. Nevertheless, a panel discussion with the speakers will be livestreamed so that you can ask your questions about the latest findings.
The motto of this congress is "In touch with the patients". You can see from all the lecture topics and descriptions that it is all about practice-related presentations and field reports that we encounter in our daily practice routine.
And of course we at the Academy are particularly proud that, from a purely scientific point of view, a start-up has been set with studies that will be presented at the congress. Even if we as practitioners, with the daily results of our harmonical methods before our eyes, do not necessarily need this confirmation, it is nevertheless gratifying to know that it is possible without further ado and that we can present these scientifically documented works at university level.
In this regard, I would like to point out that even though we are adapting with this online congress, we still remain true to the Individualized Harmonical Frequency Procedure on the patient in the essence of our therapies, i.e. we give our attention to each individually.
When I see today how verifiably thousands of people suffer and die every year from the side effects of pharmaceuticals, while natural medicine is subjected to ever stricter regulations and controls under the pretext of safety, so that numerous centuries-old effective therapies are taken away from us one after the other, I cannot help but feel a certain anger.
Dear friends, to some extent it is reassuring to know that frequency procedure cannot be taken away from us.
Frequency therapy, whether music, color, or vibration therapies that are energetic in nature, even if it is not recognized in the foreseeable future, ultimately we cannot be prohibited from it.
I dare to say: You may calmly see your knowledge and engagement in frequency procedure as a long-term investment in your professional future and security.
At the same time, it is the duty of our vocation, in an ever faster turning world with rapidly changing conditions, to adapt to the patient's situation and to react immediately to his new strains. Be it post covid syndrome, vaccine discharges or other relevant issues that arise. This has been taken into account in this congress, as you can see from the presentations.
It is my sincere wish to welcome all therapists who belong to this great family of Harmonical Frequency Application to the congress in May. Not only because we are a great community, but also because we all have an inner obligation to know and exchange the best and the latest for our patients.
With this in mind, I wish us all a very enjoyable and enriching congress in May 2022.
Yours A. E. Baklayan
- Friday, May 20 (Introduction Day)
- Saturday, May 21 (Workshops)
- Sunday, May 22 (Workshops)
€ 190,- (for members of the Academy of Harmonical Frequency Procedure reduced price of € 145,-)
We will send you registration options shortly, but if you would like to pre-register or have further questions, please contact Ms. Betz at +49(0)89/452290-77 or send an email to the following address: buero@harmonikalischefrequenzen.de.