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Webinar: Virus protocol by naturopath Alan E. Baklayan

In the light of current events, we would like to invite you to our next and highly topical webinar:

"Virus protocol by Hp Alan E. Baklayan"

Date: Thursday, 09.04.2020, 5 p.m. Berlin time zone

Costs: For Academy members: free of charge
For non-members: 45,00 €

In this important webinar, naturopath Alan E. Baklayan will publish his latest virus protocol and talk about the current state of knowledge about the mechanisms of both the specific and the non-specific immune system. Furthermore, he will release the authoritative prophylactic application protocol that should currently be performed on every patient.

Originally, these latest research results of Mr Baklayan were not to be presented until the annual "10th Practice Congress 2020" (October 23rd - 25th, 2020) of the Academy of Harmonical Frequency Procedure. However, due to the current situation, these exciting findings will now be published in this webinar ahead of time.

Do not miss this unique date!

Please register here


09 Apr. 2020


17:00 - 18:00

Nächstes Event