Workshop with HP Alan E. Baklayan in Cyprus (English)
Basic Regulation and Internal Environment using the Harmonical Frequency System
Easy and reliable Handling of DTS® Ampules
The galloping complication of patient cases makes a clearly structured testing and therapy concept increasingly necessary. Naturopath Baklayan focuses on 3 causes that give rise to chronic diseases. In this seminar you will learn how to apply the core of the HFS in combination with the DTS ampules in everyday practice.
The aim of the seminar/workshop is to
- master the testing and adjustment of the patient’s energetic starting position
- learn how to quickly and reliably identify his main loads
- set up a therapy plan and
- recognize and treat blockades
- use all DTS® testing kits in daily practice with the most favourable combinations and settings
Topics in detail:
- Determine the overall condition of the patient by using the Harmonical Frequency System: testing and interpretation of a basic regulation for a regulation of the patient’s energetic state.
- Internal Environment testing – the most important step that allows us to prioritize loads and save a huge amount of time, as well as regulating the Internal Environment. The result of this test offers a clear guideline to further steps: which pathogenic loads are present and can be precisely determined and treated with the help of the ampules test kits.
- Draw up the complete treatment plan, taking into account the next patient appointments and any difficulties that may arise.
- Monitoring of therapy progress through intensity technology, detection of therapy blockades.
- Get to know the wide range of DTS® testing kits and learn how A. E. Baklayan selects and combines the appropriate ampules obtaining quick and resounding therapy progress.
Date: April 20 – 21, 2024
- Saturday, 20th April 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
- Sunday, 21st April 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: Cyprus
Seminar fee:
€ 470,- for members of the Academy of Harmonical Frequency Procedure
€ 525,- for non-members
If you want to participate, please register via e-mail buero@harmonikalischefrequenzen.de
HP Alan Baklayan