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10th Practice-Congress for Frequency and Regulation Therapy 2020 (English)

Congress Invitation November 2020

Management of autoimmune disease and allergies

Dear colleagues and friends of the Harmonical Frequency Procedure!

We are going through difficult times. Everyone feels the crisis in one form or another. This is exactly why a quick adjustment is necessary in daily practice to avoid getting flooded. In my opinion, two factors play a decisive role here:

  1. Finding an answer to today’s health issues and challenges.
  2. Achieving increasing success in the therapy of difficult cases, so that we considerably stand out from the usual therapy methods. to achieve increasing success in the therapy of difficult cases, so that we clearly stand out from the usual therapy methods.

You will notice that the topics of this congress fulfill exactly these two requirements. Autoimmune tendencies and allergies are increasing and becoming more and more aggressive, the mobile phone standard 5G is already partially in function and will soon be omnipresent.

So not without feeling a certain excitement and with the hope that incidents will not thwart our plans again, may I invite you to the 10th Congress on Saturday, December 5, 2020.


The congress will take place mainly as a webinar in this special situation.
I will lecture on the following topics and demonstrate them practically at the trikombin:

– Breakthrough in autoimmune diseases and allergy therapy
This is not only a few new findings, but a real breakthrough. I already promised a year and a half
ago that something big would follow. Now the time has come – please do not miss it.

– Expansions in the therapy of pain and locomotive system complaints
  The tendinomuscular meridians always result in excellent results. Here are a few very
useful additions.

– New knowledge in the therapy of blockades including the new 5G stress
Modern times take their toll. Without a systematic therapy of energetic blockades, patients are less
and less able to be regulated. This topic is often underestimated in our health circles as well.

– Important discovery in the therapy of intracellular microorganisms and borreliosis
Borreliosis strains have become an integral part of our systematics. Any help is welcome here.

– New connections in therapy and decoupling of disease foci
The therapy of tooth, tonsils or lymph node foci is a well-known therapeutic step, but how do you
stop the spreading and long-distance effect on organs? Is there a possibility to eliminate all foci at
once? I like to share my exciting discoveries with you.

– Post-treatment of overcome COVID-19 infections – the new challenge
We are now increasingly confronted with this topic in our daily practice. The public media often
report on the helplessness of doctors in dealing with this phenomenon. We should be prepared.
I like to give you some simple tips and a proven approach to this.

As usual, questions will be answered and an exchange will take place.
The online congress will start on Saturday, the 5th of November 2020 at 10 am and
will last until about 2 pm. I am looking forward to your participation.

Yours A. E. Baklayan 



Saturday, 05.12.2020, 10 am to 2 pm (Berlin time zone)
“10th Practice Congress for Frequency and Regulation Therapy 2020” under the topic
“New perspectives in the treatment of autoimmune diseases”.



Fees for “10th Practice Congress for Frequency and Regulation Therapy 2020
Personally on site in Munich or as online participant (webinar): € 90,-
For club members of the academy reduced price of: € 45

Here you can register for the webinar

If you have any further questions regarding registration, time schedule, lectures and speakers, please contact the following number: +49(0)89/452290-77 or write an e-mail to the following address:

We are looking forward to meeting you!
Your Academy of Harmonical Frequency Procedure


05 Dez. 2020


10:00 - 14:00

Nächstes Event